OPS for Healthcare

Improves Management Operations and Key Metrics in Any Healthcare Setting

Infection Control and Antibiotic Stewardship

Preventing infection control surveillance; Improving antibiotic stewardship

An Actionable Solution for a National Issue

Give your staff practical tools and methods to make infection control and antibiotic stewardship easy

OPS Infection Control System (ICS) helps address key issues of infection prevention, detection, control, monitoring, and communication—and simplify administrative processes.

Using The Cloud To Improve Infection Control And Antibiotic Stewardship

Acute and post-acute care leaders are seeking ways to improve infection control and antibiotic stewardship. They recognize that improved infection control leads to better outcomes, reduced readmissions and ALOS, and increased quality and patient satisfaction.

However, common approaches to daily infection control processes do not simplify the day-to-day processes required for success, nor do they result in useable data. Instead, they add complexity, cost, and frustration.

This paper outlines the strategic imperatives and offers a solution – enabled by cloud technologies – for implementing evidence-based infection control and antibiotic stewardship measures while improving operational effectiveness.

Download the White Paper

Increase diagnostic precision and operational effectiveness

OPS ICS reinforces evidence-based infection control and antibiotic stewardship measures while reducing the time it takes to prepare internal reports and those required by external agencies

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Key Features

Easy to navigate data entry

Key information guides and prompts (infection types; signs and symptoms; etc.)

Multiple views (by room, unit/ward, other)

Auto-log of infection-related incidents

Auto- reports for internal and external use


Reduced infection rates

Improved information visibility

Reduced costs

Reduced staff time — from hours to minutes

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