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TrendSpotters: The Moxie Coefficient

Do you have moxie? In our current financial climate, moxie may be just the leverage you need to make a difference in your organization's performance and in your career. Jim Hill, CPT, EdD, joins us this month to help us leverage our Moxie Coefficient. Jim,, is CEO of Proofpoint Systems, an organizational performance diagnostic software provider, past president of ISPI, and consistent innovative contributor to performance improvement. He adds the very timely Moxie Coefficient tool to the TrendSpotters Open Toolkit (TOT).

Mathematical Models for Human Performance: Borrowing From the Physics Domain

The field of human and organization performance lacks standardized and proven mathematical formulas that researchers can use to build studies and experiments and through which practitioners can increase the likelihood of developing and implementing effective solutions.

Future Watch, Featuring Dr. Jim Hill, CPT

As part of the fallout from recent business scandals and the heightened emphasis on accurate representation of corporate information, business leaders will demand the truth from their performance consultants and expect to see solid evidence of results achieved and promises honored. Our profession will shift from its human performance technology (HPT) focus to a business performance technology (BPT) focus. The HPT brand will remain, but our mindset will be increasingly business-centric, as we work to improve the performance of the business, not just the performance of the workers. HPT leaders will take on greater roles in the businesses where they work as they realize that to effect real change, they must operate in lines of business rather than in staff support functions.


When a company is flush with money and revenue is pouring in, it's easy to accept—or at least overlook—these comments. We want people to like us. That's not a bad thing. But often it gets in the way of the end results required for organizational health. Also, in a kind of a locker room approach, people often associate organizational power to the size of one's resources. The more money and headcount managers have, reasoning goes, the more important they must be.

Motivation = Goal + Control

In Silicon Valley, every organizational leader is looking for an advantage. Each looks for a way to make his or her company more agile, flatter, and less reliant on strict hierarchy and structure. Agility and flatness require innovative ways to improve the process of getting the right messages to employees about organizational direction and the actions that will lead to success. In a place where technology is obsolete 18 months after it is a revelation, and where your greatest innovators may be out of college all of three years, smart leaders know that they need effective methods of connecting with their people. There are many reasons why, but three come to mind immediately: The business moves fast; employees have a low tolerance for BS; failing to stay attuned to reasons 1 and 2 is costly. Moving more slowly than the competition is deadly. Not providing direction, guidance, feedback— and freedom—to employees drives them to seek it elsewhere.

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Articles and Publications

Improving best practices for infection control at skilled nursing facilities

Using the Cloud to Improve Infection Control and Antibiotic Stewardship

Using new Technology to Improve Patient Experience

ASQ and ISPI Mutual Opportunities for Influencing Global Performance

BPTrends recognizes performance architecture tools

Future Watch, Featuring Dr. Jim Hill, CPT

Giving Away Power

Mathematical Models for Human Performance: Borrowing From the Physics Domain

Motivation = Goal + Control


TrendSpotters: The Moxie Coefficient

Using New Technology to Improve Patient Experience

Using the Cloud to Accelerate Transformation and Influence Change


ASQ and ISPI Mutual Opportunities for Influencing Global Performance

BPTrends recognizes performance architecture tools

cyberFEDS anoints Proofpoint as an "awesome new technology"

Defense acquisition community pilots Proofpoint faculty performance planning system

Defense Department Extends Global Security Cooperation Contract with Proofpoint Systems

DHS Uses Proofpoint For Air Domain Gap Analysis

Dr. Jim Hill receives Distinguished Service Award from ISPI

Executive Buzz: A Leadership Conversation with Jonathan Levine

Executive Buzz: Four Questions for Stephanie Meade

Genesis of DOTMLPF

HUD Renews Contract with Proofpoint Systems

HUD Replaces SharePoint with Proofpoint for Field Teams

Jim Hill, Proofpoint CEO, Selected for OSD Steering Committee

Key US government departments recognize Proofpoint Systems technical leader

Mercy West Implements Proofpoint's Patient Feedback System

National Healthcare Corporation Renews Contract for Proofpoint Infection Control Tool

Navy completes Fleet-wide operational analysis using Proofpoint Systems assessment capability

Navy Renews Proofpoint Contract for LCS Program Management

Our Big Bang Moment

Performance Analysis Support System (PASS) selected as Finalist in the category for Best New Product or Service in The 2006 American Business AwardsSM

Performance Improvement Simulation Workshop

Predicting Future Success

Proofpoint and HUD receive 2013 Award of Excellence from ISPI

Proofpoint announces the addition of Allen Young to its leadership team

Proofpoint Awarded Contract to Conduct a Global Security Cooperation Organization (SCO) Review

Proofpoint CEO Moderates Executive Panel

Proofpoint CEO publishes new e-book - Giving Away Power

Proofpoint featured in USA Today along with Fortune 500 as a leader in performance improvement

Proofpoint Introduces Real-World Training Clinic Via the Web

Proofpoint officially certified as a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business

Proofpoint receives 2011 Award of Excellence from ISPI

Proofpoint Supports Silicon Valley Satellite Patent Office

Proofpoint Systems Announces Goal Alignment System (GOALS)

Proofpoint Systems announces Tom Sheets as corporate vice president

Proofpoint Systems Awarded Navy Contract for Manpower Strategic Planning

Proofpoint Systems' cloud-based Project Management Reporting System helps HUD win the 2013 Federal Deming Award at the Excellence in Government Conference

Proofpoint Systems' Faculty Assessment and Contribution Planning System (FCAP) selected as a Finalist for the 2008 American Business AwardsSM

Proofpoint Systems launches maritime information sharing crosswalk capability

Proofpoint Systems Now in Use in 25 Countries

Proofpoint Systems Team Awarded U.S. Navy SeaPort Enhanced (SeaPort-e) Contract

Proofpoint Systems, Inc. Goal Alignment System (GOALS) selected as Finalist in the category for Best New Software Product in The 2007 American Business AwardsSM

Proofpoint Unveils Two New Products and Free Trial Version

Six Steps to Putting Performance in the Performance Review

The Links, Inc. Deploys Proofpoint Project Management System

The Moxie Coefficient

USC research the basis for new Proofpoint Moxie product

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